Place of birth

 Groznyy, Russian Federation  

Date of birth



 Azerbaijan State University 

Scientific degree

 Doctor of Philosophy in Biology


 Associate Professor

Topic of  PhD thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name




Investigation of the bioecological features and esterability of species Chaerophyllum L. (Jajig) in the flora of Azerbaijan

Total number of printed scientific publications:



Number of scientific publications printed abroad:


Number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases


Number of patents and certificates of authorship


Staff training:     

- number of  PhD


Basic scientific achievements


Names of scientific works

1. Зейналова С.А. Исследование эфирного масла  Arischrada dracocephaloides  (Boiss.) Pobel. ж. «Химия растительного сырья», 1997, № 3, с. 593-594.

2. Zeynalova S.A. Essential oil of  Arischrada dracocephaloides  (Boiss.)Pobel. Chemistry of Natural Compounds. Vol.33, № 5, 1997, p. 593.

3. Мехтиева Н.П.,Мустафаева С.Д., Зейналова С.А. Ресурсы дикорастущих лекарственных растений Самур-Дивичинской низменности (Азербайджан).

4. Зейналова С.А.,Мехтиева Н.П., Мустафаева С.Д., Исмаилов Э.И., Бахшалиева К.Ф. «Биологические особенности некоторых видов лекарственных и ароматических растений, их антифунгальная активность»  ж. «Традиционная медицина», №3(18), 2009, с. 40-47.

4. Mehtiyeva N., Zeynalova S. Medicinal and Aromatic plants of Azerbaijan in  Medicinal and Aromatic plants of The World, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems  (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK., 2013.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations

1. Azerbaijan Botanical Society

2. Professional association “Naturotherapists”.

Pedagogical activity


Other activities


Awards and prizes


Main place of work and its address

 Institute of Botany, ANAS, Badamdar shosse 40, Baku, AZ1004, Azerbaijan 


 Leading researcher 

Office phone

 (+994 12) 5024391


 Home phone  


