Azerbaijan is rich by plant resources as well as by valuable Herbarium Foundation. The Herbarium Foundation of the Institute of Botany of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) which contains the ancient and large quantities of herbarium specimens in the Republic was organized in 1936 since the Institute began its functioning. Well-known researcher of the Caucasian flora A. Grossheim and other botanists – professors G. Akhundov, I. Karyagin, Y. Isayev, E. Khalilov, R. Rza-zada, R. Asgarova, V. Hajıyev, S. Musayev made a great contribution to the formation of this herbarium. This tradition is presently continued and new generation of botanists actively participate in completion of the collection.
     Herbarium collection contains nearly 600.000 specimens belonging 135 families 1065 genus. Among them there are 63 higher sporous, 24 gymnosperm, 4313 angiosperm plant species. The majority specimens represent the flora of Azerbaijan as well as the Caucasian flora. Flora of Iran, Turkey, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, USA, Israel and etc. are also presented in the Foundation.
There are 270 type specimens belonging to 27 families 79 genus represented by 20 syntypes, 33 isotypes, 2 halotypes, 5 topotypes, 9 paratypes, 1 lectotype in this collection.
    On the basis of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Institute of Botany of ANAS and Berlin-Dahlem Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum (Germany) successful steps are made in the direction of conservation and digitalization of herbarium materials and the including of their data and photo in the European virtual database.