


Place of birth

Azerbaijan Republic, Jabrail, Mezre village  

Date of birth



Azerbaijan Pedogogical Institute 

Scientific degree

PhD in Biology 



Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name




The ecological characteristics of some fine flowering and fine fruited shrubs and their importance in the gardening

Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases





Number of patents and certificates of authorship


Staff training:     

-         number of  PhD


Basic scientific achievements

Biological and ecological characteristics and agricultural cultivation of  some  introduced species were studied and recommended  for the planting practice 

Names of scientific works

1. Studying of the vegetative reproduction of some of the fine blossoming bushes in the conditions of Apsheron. “NASA News” magazine, The series of the biol.sciences, “Science” (“Elm”), № 3-4, 2006

2. Decorative effect and prospects assessment of the fine blossoming and the fine fruited bushes in the conditions of Absheron. "Problems of gardening of the large cities». IX conference Mater.., issue.12, Moscow, 2007

3. Glossary of the botanical terms, Baku, “Science”, 2011, 264 p.

4. Growth and development of the root system of a myrtle ordinary (Myrtus communis L. ) in the conditions of Apsheron. Mat. Taken from the International Scientific Conf. "Preservation of a variety of the tropical-gene and subtropical flora at an introduction", Yaroslavl, 2012

5. The biological Properties and economic importance of some seedy fruit plants that grow in Azerbaijan,s forests. International Caucasian forestry sympozium. Turkey, Artvin 24-26 october, 2013

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations

Member of the Society of Botanists

Member of the Scientific journal editorial board of the Central Botanical Garden

Pedagogical activity


Other activities

Deputy Chairman of the Council of  the Veterans CBG 

Awards and prizes

In connection with the 60th anniversary of  ANAS, "The Certificate of  Honor"

In connection with the 60th anniversary of  ANAS, "The Certificate of  Honor"

Main place of work and its address

İnstitute of Botany MSE RA, AZ1004, Azerbaijan Republic, Baku city, Badamdar high way, 40


Leading Researcher 

Office phone



(+994 55) 6623191  

Home phone

(+994 12) 5612639  


(+994 12) 5024172  


[email protected]