Place of birth


Sumgayit city, Azerbaijan Republic


Date of birth



Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University

Scientific degree

PhD in Biological Sciences



Topic of  PhD thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name




Systematics and bioecological characteristics of St. John's wort (Hypericum L.) species spreading in the flora of Azerbaijan

Total number of printed scientific publications:



Number of scientific publications printed abroad:


Number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases


Number of patents and certificates of authorship


Staff training:     

- number of  PhD


Basic scientific achievements

A critical review of Hypericum L. species distributed in the flora of Azerbaijan was carried out, and their phylogenetic relationships were investigated. As a result of the research, it was established that among the species included in the genus, there are also species containing resin, essential oil, dyes, as well as species used for paint and varnish and decorative purposes. 1 subspecies (H.perforatum subsp.veronense (Schrank) Lindb.) of the genus Hypericum L., not listed in the article, has been restored. "Flora of Azerbaijan". By adding 4 species to the 15 species presented in the “Flora of Azerbaijan”, the taxonomic composition of the genus of wild herbs was determined, and 19 species were grouped into 7 sections. Genus H. tetrapterum Fries. A new place of distribution of the species has been established (Soyudlu village, Gedabey district, N40°35.234´.E045°50.313´. 1473 m). Based on previously unused diagnostic characters for species belonging to the genus Hypericum common in the flora of Azerbaijan, a new key has been compiled. Depending on the height, the patterns of distribution of wild grass species were determined and an electronic map was compiled based on GPS coordinates.

Names of scientific works

  1. Fətdayeva A.X., Qaraxani P.X. Azərbaycan florasında dazı (Hypericum L.) cinsi. AMEA Botanika İnstitutunun elmi əsərləri, Bakı “Elm” 2015. cild XXXV, səh. 43-45.
  2. Fətdayeva A.X., Qaraxani P.X. Azərbaycan florasında yayılan Dazı (Hypericum L.) cinsi növlərinin morfoloji xüsusiyyətləri . AMEA – nın xəbərləri, Biologiya elmləri, Bakı 2016. cild 71, səh. 50-53.
  3. Fatdayeva A.X. Medical species of the genus Hypericum L. Academic science weekly International Multidisciplinary forum materials. Baku 2015, p.351-352.
  4. Fatdayeva A.X. Species of the genus Hypericum L. in Azerbaijan flora. International conference, Baku, 2016. 101 p.
  5. Fatdayeva A.X., Akbarova. A.E. Endemic species residing to the genus Hypericum L. in Azerbaijan. The 3rd international symposium on Euroasian biodiversity, Belarus, 2017. 643 p.
  6. Фатдаева А.Х., Гарахани П.Х. “Морфологические особенности видов рода зверобоя (Hypericum L.) распространенных в Нахчеванской флоре”. Известие ADPU, Баку 2018. Т.66, с. 98-102.
  7. Fatdayeva A.X., Akbarova. A.E. Endangered species residing to the genus Hypericum L. in Azerbaijan. Ministry of  Education of the Republic of  Azerbaijan. Ganja State University. International Scientific   Conference. Actual problems of Modern   natural and  economic sciences,  2018.  p. 148 – 150.
  8. Rashad Salimov, Vugar Karimov, Zarnigar Babayeva, Gulnar Gasimova, Zenfira Aliyeva, Asya  Akbarova, Aytan Fatdayeva, Parvana Nabiyeva, Lala Isgandarova, Sabina Hajiyeva. Vascular plants of Azerbaijan: a  nomenclatural  update  and  survey  of Lamiaceae L. / Plant & Fungal  Research, 2018,  v.1, p. 69-85.
  9. Fatdayeva A.X. Taxonomic investigation of the relict species Hypericum androsaemum L. in flora of Azerbaijan. Nakhchivan State University, Scientific works, 2020, № 8 (109). p. 60-63.
  10. Фатдаева А.Х., Гарахани П.Х., Касумова Т.А. Новый ключ для определения видов рода Hypericum L. во флоре   Азербайджана Azerbaijan   journal of   Botany 2020. 1(2). p. 32-37.
  11. Fatdayeva A.X., Garakhani P.X. A new distribution for Hypericum tetrapterum (St. Peter's wort ) in Azerbaijan flora. International journal of Botany Studies, 2021. p. 560-561.
  12. Fatdayeva A.X. Molecular-phylogenetic research of the genus Hypericum L. in flora of Azerbaijan / Bulletin of Science and Practice / 2021, 7(11), p.22.
  13. Fatdayeva A. Systematic Review  of the Genus Hypericum L. in Flora  of  Azerbaijan / Bulletin of  Science and Practice / 2022, 8(11),  p. 92-96.
  14. Fatdayeva A.X. Bioecological characteristics of species of the Hypericum L. genus in flora of Azerbaijan / Bulletin of Science and Practice / 2023, 9(10), p.18-22.
  15. Akbarova A.E., Fatdayeva A.X. Medical species of the genus Campanula L. and Hypericum L. in flora of Azerbaijan / Materials of İnternational Autumn  School  of  Young  Scientists dedicated to the  Year of  Heydar Aliev, BAKU, AZERBAIJAN, 2023, p. 32-33.
  16. Fatdayeva A.X. PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIPS OF HYPERICUM L. SPECIES DISTRIBUTED IN AZERBAIJAN / Materials of  İnternational  Scientific-Practical Conference  “Modern  Approaches  in the  study  of  the  Plant  Kingdom” dedicated to the  Year of  Heydar Aliev, BAKU, AZERBAIJAN, 2023, p. 40-41.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations

Member of the Public Union of the Azerbaijan Botanists Society

Pedagogical activity

Botanical Institute 2014-2024 

Other activities


Awards and prizes


Main place of work and its address

Institute of Botany, Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Badamdar Highway, 40, AZ 1004


Senior Researcher

Office phone



 Home phone  




 [email protected]