An employee of the Institute of Botany was on a business trip to Switzerland

Head of the Department of Mycology of the Botany Institute, doctor of biological sciences, Dilzare Aghayeva was on a scientific trip in Switzerland.

The visit took place at the official invitation of Dr. Simone Prospero, Head of Forest Health and Biotic Interactions at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL). The institute is known worldwide for its modern laboratories and highly qualified personnel. The research conducted here consists of observing the state and development of forests, landscapes, biodiversity, natural hazards, snow and ice, and developing sustainable solutions for current problems.

During the visit, an experimental study of a number of microscopic and macroscopic mushroom samples collected from forest trees in Azerbaijan was carried out. In addition, the possibility of conducting joint research in the field of mycology with colleagues in Switzerland, joint activity in international projects and short-term visits for students studying in the PhD program to learn modern methods was agreed. Discussions were also held on the project launched by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) at the end of this year in connection with the drying of chestnut trees in Azerbaijan.