The scientific reports of the laboratories and departments at the Institute of Botany have commenced

The annual report meetings dedicated to the scientific and organizational activities of the departments and laboratories operating at the  Institute of Botany of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the year 2023 have commenced.

Employees of the Department of “Systematics and Biodiversity” and the laboratories of “Systematics and Geography of Higher Plants” and “Algology and Lichenology” presented a research report at the meeting chaired by the President of the Scientific Council, the Director-General of the Institute, Professor Sayyara Ibadullayeva

Initially, the reports of the employees working in the respective works, stages, or sections, in accordance with the plan, were listened to separately.

Subsequently, the laboratory heads – Assoc. Prof. Rashad Salimov, Assoc. Prof. Shakar Mukhtarova, and the department head, doctor of biological sciences Aydin Askerov, made presentations on their reports. The presenters provided detailed information about the work carried out during the reporting year, scientific results, published scientific works, participation in conferences and seminars, foreign visits, expeditions, examinations, training of scientific personnel, etc.

Executive director of the Institute, Dr., professor Shakir Gasimov, scientific secretary assoc. prof. Khuraman Khalilova, department and laboratory heads, Dr. prof. Eldar Novruzov, Dr. Naiba Mekhtiyeva, Dr. Dilzara Agayeva, assoc. prof. Parvana Garakhani, and others participated in the discussions around the presentations.

Finally, professor S. Ibadullayeva approved the reports and provided assignments and recommendations regarding the scientific work planned for the next year.