A conference dedicated to the 101st anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev on “Let's make our world green” was held at the Institute of Botany

A conference dedicated to the 101st anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev and the “Green World Solidarity Year” was held under the organization of the Institute of Botany, MSE RA on the topic “Let's make our world green”.

At the event, which began with the performing of the National Anthem of Azerbaijan, the dear memory of National Leader Heydar Aliyev and our martyrs was commemorated with a minute of silence. Then a video dedicated to the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev was demonstrated.

The event was opened by the general director of the Institute of Botany, professor Sayyara Ibadullayeva, who spoke on the topic “Heydar Aliyev phenomenon: in the unity of science and education”. S.Ibadullayeva spoke about the state building of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, his unprecedented services in the development of science, culture and education. She noted that the Azerbaijani people rightfully call Heydar Aliyev a rescuer.

During the years of his rule, oil contracts – “Contract of the Century” - were signed, which became a guarantee of the prosperous life of the state and people of Azerbaijan, guaranteeing rapid development and progress, irreversibility and security of independence.

Thanks to the determination, will and courage of the Great Leader, the “Black Gold” of Azerbaijan wrote the history of the white days of this nation. From this period, the Republic of Azerbaijan began to develop rapidly in all socio-economic directions. During the years when National Leader Heydar Aliyev led Soviet Azerbaijan, 5 new higher education institutions were opened in the country and the number of students in higher schools increased from 70,000 to 100,000.

Based on the educational policy concept of the Great Leader, it can be said that although science and education cover two independent fields, it is impossible to isolate one of them from the other, and in this regard, the problems of science and education were approached in a complex manner. Since both directions are part of the general state policy and have a strategic nature, their integration is inevitable. Because the existence of science without education and education without science is impossible. In his speeches, the National Leader repeatedly emphasized that education is a complex and very important field, and noted that the field of education is neither industry, nor agriculture, nor trade. This is a field that reflects the special, intellectual aspect of society. The National Leader fulfilled the same mission with foresight in the field of introducing the rich nature and natural resources of the country to the world. Heydar Aliyev was always proud of the unparalleled flora and fauna of our country, and demanded the preservation and enrichment of its land, air, and landscape. The Great Leader knew very well that the stable development of Azerbaijan depends very much on the solution of environmental problems. This policy of his directed to study the land, plants, water, air, forest, springs, vegetation of our country more deeply.

In his speech, the professor also noted that extensive monitoring on the distribution of plants in Garabagh has been started in order to write the book “Flora of Garabagh” to be published by our biologists-scientists this year. One out of 5 expeditions has already been carried out in Lachin.

The conference continued with the speeches by deputy chairman of the Management Board of “Central Botanical Garden” Public Legal Entity, Natig Allahverdiyev with the topic of “Great Leader's Care for Nature”, laboratory head, Dr., associate professor Hasan Babayev with “The Great Leader and the Nature of Azerbaijan”, PhD, associate professor Samira Baghirova, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of “Dendrology Garden” Public Legal Entity with “Environmental Policy of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev”, PhD Nigar Mursal, scientific secretary of the Institute of Botany with “Indispensable services of the Great Leader in the direction of the protection of the nature of Azerbaijan” and PhD Nuri Movsumova, leading researcher of the Institute of Botany “The role of Heydar Aliyev in the protection of biodiversity”

Within the framework of the event, a tree planting action was carried out in the territory of the Central Botanical Garden. The participants of the event planted trees and flower bushes, provided agrotechnical care and watered them.

At the end, the participants of the event visited the grave of the National Leader.