Institute of Botany and Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University signed a memorandum on cooperation

Memorandums on mutual cooperation in the field of education and scientific research were signed between the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University (ASPU) and the Institute of Botany, MSE RA as well as the Institute of Genetic Resources, MSE RA.

At the signing ceremony held at the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, the memorandums were mutually signed by ASPU rector, professor Jafar Jafarov, general director of the Institute of Botany, professor Sayyara Ibadullayeva, and also general director of the Institute of Genetic Resources, corresponding member of ANAS, Zeynal Akparov.

The Memorandum aims to establish and develop relations between the parties in relevant directions, joint cooperation in the field of personnel training, implementation and improvement of joint activity on scientific research, and defining the framework of cooperation in other directions of mutual interest.

Rector of ASPU, professor Jafar Jafarov, who spoke at the ceremony, evaluated the signing of the memorandum of cooperation of ASPU with the Institute of Botany and the Institute of Genetic Resources as a significant event. He emphasized the need for future cooperation on conducting scientific-pedagogical and research work with institutes, training scientific personnel, writing textbooks that meet modern requirements, holding scientific conferences and other issues.

During her speech, professor S.Ibadullayeva gave detailed information about scientific research directions, international projects, existing material and technical base and personnel potential of the Institute of Botany and emphasized that there are wide opportunities for exchange of experience. Highlighting the importance of the memorandum signed between the two institutions, the professor said that the main goal is to develop the integration of science and education, as well as to support the development of botanical science by ensuring the participation of students in joint projects and expeditions.

The event was attended by ASPU vice-rector for educational affairs, associate professor Eldar Aslanov, dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology, associate professor Reyhan Aghayeva, deputy dean, PhD associate professor Basti Asadova, head of the Department of Public Relations of the Institute of Botany, Mahsati Gurbanova.