Employees of the Institute of Botany conducted research in the lowlands of Karabakh

An expedition was carried out in the Barda and Aghjabedi districts of the lowlands of Garabagh with the participation of the employees of the Ethnobotany Department of the Institute of Botany, MSE RA.

The purpose of the expedition was to study the diversity of flora in the mentioned districts, investigate the vegetation, give a phytocenological description and assess the resource potential of promising species, including conducting ethnobotanical surveys among the local population.

During the expedition, floristic analysis was carried out on the selected route, cenological evaluation of the species in the vegetative and generative development period, selection of the species included in the fodder plant base of pastures, determination of the methods and directions of use of useful plants specific to the area, as well as local names based on ethnobotanical surveys.

The study area is mainly characterized by gray and gray-meadow soils. Natural vegetation is dry steppe and semi-desert type. Arid sparse forest vegetation type is also found on the banks of the Kura River. The composition of the cenoses found during the expedition in the area makes up 60-80% of the total surface cover. Total project cover of the composition of the coenoses found during the expedition in the area makes up 60-80%. This is explained by the mild climate and the continuation of rainy days compared to previous years.

It has been determined that the main pastures where animals graze in the area are wormwood-ephemeral, wormwood-saltwort, and camelthorn-licorice.

During the expedition, photographs of the species were taken, plants were removed from the sample plots selected for reserve calculation and records were made on the place by calculating wet weight, and GPS data was collected.