General Director of the Institute of Botany, Professor Sayyara Ibadullayeva participated in the festival-congress “Return to Western Azerbaijan”

A festival-congress “Return to Western Azerbaijan” was once again held in Nakhchivan with the joint organization of the authorized representation of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the State University of Nakhchivan and the Western Azerbaijan Community.

Within the framework of the festival-congress, the presentation of valuable scientific works published took place in the Scientific Library of Nakhchivan State University .

The presentation of the book “Forgotten recipes of folk medicine (from the memories of the communities of Western Azerbaijan, Eastern Zangazur and Karabakh)” by professor Sayyara Ibadullayeva, general director of the Institute of Botany, who participated in the event as an honorary member, was held.

Opening the presentation ceremony, rector of Nakhchivan State University, Elbrus Isayev noted that the topic of Western Azerbaijan was set as the main task for the intellectuals by the President of the country, Commander-in-Chief.

If the liberation of Karabakh from the occupation and the return to Karabakh was carried out by our victorious army by the order of our Commander-in-Chief, then the return to Western Azerbaijan should be ensured by the army of scientists, that is, we should ensure it with pen, words, thoughts, history and literature. It is good that for 30 years, some of our scientists who come from West Azerbaijan, even those who are not from Western Azerbaijan, have always kept the topic of Western Azerbaijan in their research.

Elbrus Isayev drew attention to the fact that the presentations of the books are a serious message.

Professor Sayyara Ibadullayeva noted in her speech that the book “Forgotten recipes of folk medicine (from the memories of the communities of Western Azerbaijan, Eastern Zangazur and Karabakh)” was prepared as a contribution to the concept of “Return to Western Azerbaijan” and the main goal is to introduce the “Great Return” communities to the plants that spread in the region where they live, and to teach the ways of using these plants.

The book reflects the healing effects of more than 200 plants and plant collections that remain in the memory of the communities of Western Azerbaijan, Eastern Zangazur and Karabakh, as well as information collected as a result of ethnobotanical surveys about the methods of using plants and pictures of plants. Since 2023, the book has been donated to communities returning to their home villages as an important resource.


In the end, the author expressed her gratitude for the valuable opinions expressed about her book and considered the grand event organized at Nakhchivan State University, where she is a graduate, as a proud event.

“Return to Western Azerbaijan” festival-congress ended with the symbolic march of the participants along the corridor in Kotam village of Ordubad district and Salammelik station, which are considered to be the main points of the Zangazur corridor.