International conference “COP29-Problems and solutions in the flora of the lowlands of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur”

International conference “COP29-Problems and solutions in the flora of the lowlands of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur” was held at the Institute of Botany, MSE RA with the joint organization of the Institute of Botany, Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan; Biodiversity Conservation Alliance for Arid Land (BCAA) and Society of Azerbaijan Botanists Public Union on September 17-18, 2024.

The opening ceremony of the event was attended by Prof. Zhang Yuanming, Director General of Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, founder of BCAA; Mubariz Hajibeyov, head of the Department for Work with Scientific Institutions of the State Agency for Science and Higher Education; Rector of ADPU, Dr., Professor Jafar Jafarov, Vice-Rector for International Relations, Professor Mahira Huseynova and teaching staff; representatives of Institute of Dendrology, Institute of Physiology named after A.I. Garayev, Institute of Zoology of MSE, RA; “Central Botanical Garden” public legal entity, local and international research scientists and specialists.

First, the participants of the event viewed the exhibition reflecting the scientific achievements of the scientists in the lobby of the Institute, and got acquainted with the storage conditions of the herbarium specimens of local and foreign flora in the Herbarium Fund.

The event began with the performance of the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The General Director of the Institute of Botany, MSE RA professor Sayyara Ibadullayeva opened the event and greeted the conference participants. She noted that the holding of the COP29 international conference in our country is of particular importance and draws the attention of the world countries to Azerbaijan.  The purpose of holding the international conference dedicated to COP29 “Problems and solutions in the flora of the lowlands of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur” is to bring together local and international experts and share international experience in solving the issues of climate change and its impact on the environment. Also, the aim is to bring to the attention of a wide audience and discuss the results of research conducted by the scientists of the Institute of Botany in the lowlands of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur.

S. Ibadullayeva gave a presentation on “The past, today and tomorrow of Karabakh” and gave information about the results of monitoring and field-research works conducted in Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur. She also clarified the assessment of damage to the mentioned areas.

Later, the official of the State Agency for Science and Higher Education, Mubariz Hajibeyov, in his speech, congratulated the employees of the Institute of Botany on moving to the new building and wished the conference success. M. Hajibeyov assessed the holding of the international conference “COP29-Problems and solutions in the flora of the lowlands of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur” as one of the initiatives implemented to achieve the goals set on the way to COP29.

The plenary part of the conference continued with the presentations by local and foreign scientists in various fields, with extensive discussions. Participants of the conference, Professor Zhang Daoyuan, Deputy Director of Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, CAS, Director of Turpan Botanical Garden; Wang Xiyong, Deputy Director of Yili Botanical Garden of Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, CAS visited the recently renovated building and territory of the “Central Botanical Garden” public legal entity. An agreement was reached on the signing of a memorandum of mutual cooperation between the Botanical Gardens in the future.

In the continuation of the event, Azerbaijan State Television (AZTV) held a round table dedicated to the international conference “COP29-Problems and solutions in the flora of the lowlands of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur”.

At the end, the declaration of the conference was prepared and certificates were presented to the participants.