Place of birth

Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Nakhchivan

Date of birth



Nakhchivan State University, Nature-Geography department

Scientific degree

Doctor of biological sciences



Topic of  PhD thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name



2417.01 (03.05.00)


Bioecological and essential oil properties of species cow parsnip (Heracleum L.) distributed in the flora of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

Topic of doctoral thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name


2417.01 (03.05.00)


Celery family in the flora of Azerbaijan 

Total number of printed scientific publications:

- number of scientific publications printed abroad:

- number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases







Number of patents and certificates of authorship


Staff training:     

- number of  PhD

- number of  Doctor of sciences 




Basic scientific achievements

She identified the taxonomic composition and bioecological features of a number of families in the flora of Azerbaijan, studied the reserves of important species of economic importance in the regions and for the first time developed a set of measures for the protection of more than 70 endangered species, included some of them in the second edition of the Red Book of Azerbaijan, gave additional recommendations on more than 40 rare and endangered species, and compiled a book on rare plants of the Ganja-Gazakh region. She has found 5 new species for Nakhchivan AR.

For the first time for the flora of Azerbaijan she described 6 genera, 23 species and 1 subspecies from the celery family, 2 species from the mint family, including 6 species for the flora of Nakhchivan AR.  New species were identified at the molecular level and published for the first time in St. Petersburg for the Caucasus and Azerbaijan.She compiled the determinants of the families Apiaceae, Malvaceae, Lilaceae, Iridaceae, Polygonaceae and Lamiaceae, Fabaceae, studied their bioecology, phytocenology and economic importance, compiled the habitat map of about 300 species.

She discovered the source of raw materials of some of the substances used in medicines in the biodiversity of Azerbaijan. 15 new individual substances for science were obtained from the roots and seeds of 5 species of the cow parsnip genus.

She dentified 85 types of essential oils in the flora of Azerbaijan, studied their dynamics depending on environmental conditions, discovered the component composition. As a result of research she found the accumulation of essential oil in all organs of 72-75% of the species found in the steppes, in the flowers and seeds of forest species (39-42%), and determined the antimicrobial properties of essential oils.

She carried out ethnobotanical analysis of useful plants in the flora of Azerbaijan, identified the habitats of 200 species of wild vegetables, 330 species used as fodder, and up to 500 species of medicinal plants, the current state of their populations, and their role in the vegetation type. She was the first to reintroduce species exposed to anthropogenic factors in natural phytocenoses and return them to their original state in nature.She collected information about plants used in folk medicine by ethnic methods and published five books on the subject. She published the book “Folk medicine”, which proves the similarity of methods of folk medicine in the region of Azerbaijan (Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan).

She studied flora and vegetation in reserves and sanctuaries, including Zangazur and Shahdag National Parks, and published books.

Through joint researches, she discovered the use of essential oils and extracts obtained from plants in veterinary medicine against helminthiasis and other diseases.

She calculated fodder quality, productivity and fodder capacity of pastures and hayfields, developed improvement systems from surface and root, and informed MA in this area.

She delivered speech about the results of the topic in more than 50 conferences and seminars

During the pandemic, she enlightened the population through the media about antivirals and immuno-regenerators, both abroad and in country, and published articles in prestigious journals abroad.

Names of scientific works


  1. Useful plants of the Umbelliferae Publishing house of Baku, "Araz", 2001, 140p.
  2. Apiaceae of the Azerbaijan flora. Publishing House “Elm”, Bаku, 2004, 347p.
  3. Essential oil and aromatherapy. Baku, “ELM” . 2007, 147p.
  4. Medicinal plants (Ethnobotany and phytoterapya) Baku, “ELM”. 2012, 331p.
  5. Ethnobotanical studies in Azerbaijan: Goygol district. "Science-Education" Baku-2014, 224
  6. Flora and vegetation of Shahbuz State Nature Reserve/Ajami Publishing House, Nakhchivan-2014, 523p.
  7. Pharmacognosy with basics of botany. Nakhchivan-2015, Lesson 700 pg. (by co-author)
  8. Fodder plants of the Nakhichevan Autonomous Region (Different herbs). "Science-Education" Baku-2015, 222 pg.
  9. Quantities, problems and studies in teaching biology. Baku-2015. EYE-Education 40pg. (by co-author)
  10. The mysterious world of plants (herbs). EIM-Education, Baku, 2017 350 p.
  11. Folk medicine (Ethnobotany in Azerbaijan Region). İİR, Tehran-2017, 288p. (with co-author)
  12. Herbals in Iğdır (Turkey), Nakhchivan (Azerbaijan), and Tabriz (Iran). Herbs and Human Health, Ethnobotany and Physiology, Vol.1., Springer, 2018, p.197-267
  13. Wild Vegetable Plants of the Flora of Nakhchivan AR / Ajami Publishing House, Nakhchivan-2018, 400p.
  14. Halophytic Plant Diversity of Duzdag Mountain in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic – Azerbaijan. / Ecophysiology, Abiotic Stress Responses and Utilization of Halophytes. 50p. Springer – 2019
  15. "An Overview of the Plant Diversity of Azerbaijan". / Biodiversity, Conservation and Sustainability in Asia, 978-3-030-59927-0, 488866_1_En, (Chapter 17). 60p. Springer – 2020
  16. Rare plants of Ganja-Gazakh area. 2021, 250p. (textbook)
  17. “Forgotten recipes of folk medicine (from the memories of West Azerbaijan, East Zangezur and Karabakh communities)” EIM-Education, Baku, 2023. c 267


  1. Oksana Sytar, Marian Brestic, Shokoofeh Hajihashemi, Milan Skalicky, Jan Kubeš, Laura Lamilla-Tamayo, Ulkar Ibrahimova, Sayyara Ibadullayeva and Marco Landi. COVID-19 Prophylaxis Efforts Based on Natural Antiviral Plant Extracts and Their Compounds// Molecules 2021, 26, 727. 1-19 İF -3,021 26030727
  2. Səyyarə Cəmşid qızı İbadullayeva, Lalə Zeynalabdin qızı Qurbanova, Aytəkin Adil qızı Əsgərova, Əsmər Elçin qızı Hüseynova. Qarabağın Faydalı Bitkiləri: Etnobotanika “İnsan və Biosfer” (MaB, YUNESKO) Azərbaycan Milli Komitəsinin əsərləri. İSSN 2079-3898. Ekoloji sivilizasiya, davamlı inkişaf, ətraf mühit. Buraxılış 1, Bakı-2021. Səh. 181-197
  3. Агаева Э., Ибадуллаева С. Д., Агаева Н., Нариманов В., Гурбанова С., Ширалиева Г. Видовой состав возбудителей оппортунистических инфекций мочевыводящих путей и возможности преодоления их антибиотико-резистентности// «Бюллетень науки и практики» в №7 (июль) 2021 г.
  4. Ibadullayeva Sayyara, Ibrahimli Sona, Seyidova Lamiya, Nasibova Gunay. Resource assessment of Glycyrrhiza glabra species in some regions of Azerbaijan// International Journal of Botany Studies ISSN: 2455-541X Received: 04-08-2021, Accepted: 18-08-2021, Published: 01-09-2021 Volume 6, Issue 5, 2021, Page No. 27-30
  5. Ibadullayeva S.C., Gurbanova Z. L.,  Shiraliyeva G.Sh., Askerova A.A.,  Huseynova A.E., Seyidova L.M., Gasimov H.Z. ethnopharmacologıcal use of  wıld vegetable plants belongıng to the Polygonaceae famıly spread ın the  Azerbaıjan flora// Biodiversity Journal, 2021,12 (3): 733–740/
  6. Sayyara J Ibadullayeva. Ethnobotany of Local used Medicinal Plants in Azerbaijan Republic/  Journal of Medicine and Biology.  Research Article |2020. Vol 2 Iss 2, p.-72-81
  7. S.J. Ibadullayeva, N.R.Salmanova, N.V.Movsumova, G.S.Shiraliyeva, S.Z.Ahmadova. Bioecological and phytocenological assessment of Equisetum arvense L. populations in the Great Caucasus of Azerbaijan// International Journal of Scientific Reports. 2020; 6(1):1-5. DOI:  Impact Factor: IF 0.874
  8. E.Agayeva, S.Ibadullaeva, N.Movsumova, R.Mammadova, V.Abbasova, I.Ganbarly. Screening of Microbicidal Activity of Some Plants of the Azerbaijan Flora in Relation to Antibiotic-Resistant Microorganisms// IOSR Journal of Pharmacy And Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS).2020; 15(2):PP 33-36: DOI: Series-1.html 10.9790/ 3008-1502013336. Impact Factor: IF 2.345 
  9. Gunay Nasibova, Nuri Movsumova, Sayyara Ibadullayeva. The role of legumes ın the desert and semı-desert of the Steppe plateau (Republıc of Azerbaıjan)/ International Journal of Botany Studies ISSN: 2455-541X; Received: 26-07-2020; Accepted: 14-08-2020: Published: 23-08-2020 Volume 5; Issue 4; 2020; Page No. 296-302. DOI:10.9891/3008-1502013355.  Impact Factor: RJIF 5.12 Web of science
  10. Ibadullayeva, S., & Alakbarov, R. (2020). Salvia modesta Boiss. (Lamiaceae) - New Species for the Azerbaijan Flora. Bulletin of Science and Practice, 6(5), 53-57. (in Russian).
  11. S.J. Ibadullayeva, N.A. Agayeva Immune strengthener plants in Azerbaijan flora/ Journal of Life Sciences & Biomedicine, vol. 2(75), No 2,  (2020)
  12. S.J. Ibadullayeva.  Ethnobotany of Local used Medicinal Plants in Azerbaijan Republic/ Journal of Medicine and Biology. Berlin-Almaniya Vol 2 Iss 2. -2020. SCOPUS (Elsevier)  
  1. Movsumova N., Shiraliyeva G., İbadullayeva S. Vegetation of plain Azerbaijan and its use//İnternational Journal of Research and Review. 6; issue:9; September 2019, p.189-194
  2. İbadullayeva S.J., Axundova S., Alekberov R. Essentıal oıl features of some specıes of Lamıaceae Lındl. famıly// Multdisciplinary Journal”Gulustan-Black Sea Scientific Journal of Academic Research”, Tbilisi-2019, p.45-50
  3. İbadullayeva S.J., Abduyeva-İsmayilova S.M., Nasibova G., Hasanov A. Physiological, phytochemical and microbiological investigations, and evaluation of resources of Glycyrrhiza glabra in Azerbaijan/ Journal of Multdisciplinary Engineering Sciense and Technology (JMEST), Vol.6, N2, p.9505-9508. Berlin-2019. İF-1,27
  4. Munir Ozturk, Ernaz Altundag, İbadullayeva J. Sayyara, Volkan Altay, Behnaz Aslanipour. A comparative analysis of medicinal and aromatic plants in the traditional medicine of İgdir (Turkey), Nakhchivan (Azerbaijan) and Tabriz (İran)/Pakistan Bot.jour. № 1, p.337-343, 2018 İSİ indexed –Tomson, impact factor 0,69
  5. İbadullayeva J. S., Qambarli I.J., E.M. Agayeva, V.A. Narimanov, V.N. Abbasova The prospects usage for certain herbal medicinals preparation in Azerbaijan and the fighting against the spread of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms/ International Journal of Science And Research Methodology, 2018 Vol.:9, Issue:1, p.143-148
  6. Пименов М.Г., Ф.Х Набиева. В.Дегтярева, Ибадуллаева С.Д.,  ГА.Ш.Ибрагимов,  П.В.Зулфугарова, Т.Х.Самигуллин. Helasciadium nodiflorum- Новые род и вид Umbelliferae для флоры Азербайджана и всего Кавказа /Бот.журнал, Санкт-Петербург, 2018 103(4), стр.517-528
  1. İbadullayeva S., Abbasova V. Faydalı bitkilərin toplanmasına dair bəzi tövsiyyələr/ AMEA Gəncə Bölməsi Xəbərlər Məcmuəsi, Tibb və Biologiya seriyası, 2(68)-2017, s.20-24
  2. İbadullayeva S., Abbasova V. Tovuz-Qazax Ərazisində Yayılan Dərman Bitkilərinin Etnofarmokologi Əhəmiyyəti / AMEA Xəbərlər, Biologiya və Tibb elmləri seriyası, N-2, 2017, s.
  3. İbadullayeva S., Zulfuqarova P. Study of lipid composition of oil Smyrniopsis aucheri Boiss., growing in Nakhchevan AR, Azerbaijan' İSİ indexed –Tomson, Sylwan Journal, Poland- 2017, p.252-258
  4. Agayeva N.A.,  İbadullayeva S.J., Rafiyeva S.R., Shiraliyeva G.Sh.Antimicrobe characteristics of essential oil of the Origanum vulgare L. International Journal of Current microbiology and applied sciences (IJCMAS) to be released in 2017. Vol 6 (12)p.2214-2218. Tomson.
  1. İbadullayeva Sayyara, Sabina Akhundova, Gunay Nasibova. Economic Assessment Of New Feed Crops Resources In Different Ecosystems Of Lesser Caucasus (Within The Azerbaijan Republic). Journal of Multidisciplinary Enginerinq Sciences and Technologi (JMEST) İSNN:2458-9403, vol4, issue 3, Berlin-2017 p.6871-6877.
  2. İbadullayeva S.J., Seyidova A.N.The Life Quality Index of Coniferous Plants Introduced in Absheron Region. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 5 Number 12 (2016) pp. 355-364
  3. İbadullayeva Sayyara Natiga Ismayilzade, Abbas Ismailov,  Narmin Sadigova.  Recommended phyto-ameliorative restoration of vegetation in Ganja surroundings rivers. International Journal of Advanced Research in Botany. İSSN (Online) 2455-4316 Volume 2,issue 1,2016, pp 1-6. Tomson.
  1. Narmin Sadigova, İbadullayeva Sayyara Current vegetation situation of ‘Yeni Kend’ reservoir (Azerbaijan Republic) surroundings. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research (IJAIR).Volume 4, issue 5, İSSN (Online) 2319-1473, 2016. 914-917
  2. Касумзаде Т., Ибадуллаева С.Дж. Regularites of the desertification processes in Shirvan territory of Azerbaijan. Annals of Agrarian Science, 2015, vol 13, No 4,40-43
  3. Ибадуллаева С.Дж., Гасымов Г.З.,Ширалиева Г.Ш., Зульфугарова П.В., Рафиева С.Р., Гулиева Саадет, Новрузова Л.А. Дикорастущие растения, используемые в напитках, во флоре Азербайджана: этнобота- нические исследования. Scientific journal of Academic research. Multidisciplinary Journal. BLACK SEA. Tbilisi, Georgia, 2015 p.73-84
  4. İbadullayeva Sayyara, Hilal Gasimov, Melahat Gahramanova, Peymana Zulfugarova,  Leman Novruzova. Medico-Ethnobotanical Inventory (Liver And Gallbladder Ducts Illnesses) Of Nakhchivan AR, Azerbaijan/ International Journal of Sciences. Vol-4, June 2015 (6), p.80-88. Impact factor: 2.17
  5. İbadullayeva S.J., Gahramanova M.,  Gasymov H. Zulfigarova P. Etnobiological and phytotherapeutic analysis of medicinal herbs of Azerbaijan flora used at cardiovascular diseases treatment. Global Journal Of Biology, Agriculture & Health Sciences, 2015. Vol4(1):38-43
  1. İbadullayeva S.J., H.Maharramov, L.A.Novruzova, Agayeva E.Z. Study of Treatment Advantage of Medicinal Herbs with Antihelmintic Effect against Neoascariasis. International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences (IJRSB) Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2015, PP 78-81 ISSN 2349-0357 (Print) & ISSN 2349-0365 (Online)
  2. İbadullayeva S.J., Nasirova A.İ. Economic benefits specius of the introduced of genus Malva L. International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research. 2015 Vol.2(04)
  3. L.A.Novruzova, İbadullayeva S.J., S.H.Maharramov. Management of Gastroenterostomy illnesses with herbs in Veterinary Practice in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (Azerbaijan)/ International Journal of Veterinary Science. P-ISSN: 2304-3075; E-ISSN: 2305-4360, 2015 (6).
  1. Ибадуллаева С.Дж., Фитоценология редких видов ириса (Iris L.) в Гянджа-Казахском ботаническом районе Азербайджана. Вестник Московского Государственного Областного Университета ISSN 2072-8352 2015/ № 3 стр.33-40
  2. İbadullayeva S.J., Babakhishiyeva T. Rare Plants Of Ganja-Gazakh Area And Their Protection. International Journal of Current Research in Biosciences and Plant Biology 5 : 2349-8080 Volume 1 Number 3 (October-2014) pp. 11-16
  3. Ибадуллаева С.Дж., Akbarov R.,Qasımov H. Thymus hyemalis Lange (Lamiaceae)- новый вид для флоры  Азербайджана. Ботанический журнал, №7, 2014, C.825-827
  1. İbadullayeva Sayyara, Aliyeva Shahla, Ahmedzade Sabina, Asgerova Naila, Movsumova Nuri, Mammadova Hasrat, Shiraliyeva Gulnara. Arrangements for Analysis and Protection of Some Food and Economical Significance of Rare and Threatened Species in about of Absheron, Azerbaijan Republic// International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research. Volume 2, Issue 4, 2014 (Index Copernicus Value :5,8, İmpact faktor 1,190)
  2. İbadullayeva S.J., A.Mustafayev, M.Şahmuradova Protection of some rare and critically threatened medicinal plants in the Azerbaijan flora //Journal of Biology and Life Science. 2013, vol. 4 N 1.
  1. İbadullayeva S.J., Agayeva E.Z., Asgerova A.A., Isayeva G.A. Analysis of plants in veterinary research of Azerbaijan on ethnobotanical materials// American Journal of Research Communication, San Antonio, USA- 2013
  2. Ибадуллаева С.Дж., Агаева Э.З. Этноботанические исследования по применению растений при болезнях медоносных пчел Азербайджана// Вестник МГОУ. Серия «Естественные науки». №1, 2013, 5-9.
  3. İbadullayeva S.J., İsgenderova A.İ. Forage quality of the species of Malva L. genus and definition of organic remainders in the cut areas// International Journal of Agriculture and crop sciences. Impact factor: 0.84
  4. Nabiyeva F.X., İbadullayeva S. Development Appropriatenesses of Deserting Processes in The KAP and The PAAR//Global Advanced Research Journal of Geography and Regional Planning. 2012, Springer.
  5. İbadullayeva S., Shahmuradova M.C., Qahramanova N.C., Aliyeva Ş.G. Use of wild plants at dermatitis (skin diseases): Etnobotany// Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2012.
  1. Ибадуллаева С.Дж., Viscum album–новый вид для флоры Нахчыванской Автономной Республики Азербайджана// Ботанический журнал, №10, Санкт-Петербург- 2012.
  2. İbadullayeva S.J., A.Mustafayev, ŞahmuradovaProtection of some rare and critically threatened medicinal Plants in the Azerbaijan flora// Journal of Biology and Life Science. USA-2012.
  3. İbadullayeva S.J., Mammadli T., Qasimov H. Protection of some rare and dangerous vegetable plants in the flora of the Nakhichevan AR// International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation. Canada- 2011
  1. Mammadova Z.A., İbadullayeva S.J.Antimicrobial characteristics of essence oils of some species of the Nepeta L. genus / Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. Springer –Japan, Tokyo.
  2. Набиева Ф.Ибадуллаева С.Дж., Ибращимов A.Ш. Кормовые ресурсы зимних пастбищ// Аграрная наука. ISSN 0869-8155, Москва-2011, стр.10-12
  3. Ибадуллаева С.Дж., Структура ценопопуляций и урожайность вида Daucus carota L. (Apiaceae Lindl.) во флоре Азербайджана// журнал Растительные ресурсы, № 3, Санкт-Петербург -2010.
  4. İbadullayeva S Medicinal plants of Azerbaijan flora used in the treatment of certain diseases. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2010 Academic Journals
  5. Ибадуллаева С.Дж. Эфирномасличность некоторых видов семейства Apiaceae во флоре Азербайджана/ ж. «Традиционная Медицина» IМосква-2010 стр. 135-139.
  6. Гасымов Г., Ибадуллаева С.Дж., Дикорастущие пищевые растение в Нахчыванской Автономной Республике Азербайджана по материалам этноботанических исследований. //Ж. «Растительные ресурсы», Санкт-Петербург -2009.
  7. Ибадуллаева С.Дж., Ибращимов A.Ш., Ширялийева Г.Ш., Талыбова Ф.З. Субальпийское высокотравье Нахчыванской АР и его использование в народном хозяйстве// Бот. журнал, №5, Санкт-Петербург-2008.
  1. Serkerov S. Эфирные масла Heracleum antasiaticum Manden.// Журнал Химия Природных Соединений, № 2, 2000,
  2. Serkerov S. Кумарины Heracleum pastinacifolium// Жур. Химия Природных Соединений, №5, -2000
  3. Ibadullayeva S.J., Movsumova N.V., Shiraliyeva G.Sh., Askerova N.A., Mammadova H.H. Pteridophytes: Ethnobotanical use and active chemical composition//Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge (IJTK), Impact factor of IJTK is 0.757, April 2022, vol. 21(2), pp. 353-359. (Web of Science) DOI: 10.56042/ijtk.v21i2.39266
  4. Yabani Bitkilerin İstifadesinin Aktüel Problemleri: Etnobotanika, Etnofarmakologiya Ve Baytarlıq Tebabeti (ingilis dilində). // Uluslararası Antalya Yörük ve Türklük araştırmaları bilim ve sanat kurultayı (Antalya), 05. 2022
  5. Ibadullayeva S.J., Sadigova N.I. Flora of the surrounding of the Yenikend reservoir and its analysis// Journal of Life Sciences and Biomedicine, 2022.Volume 4(77)., No.1, P. 68-75.
  6. Ibadullayeva S.J., Mamedov N. The correlation between color of flowers and healing abilities of medicinal plants//Acta Botanica Caucasica, -2022. V. 1(1), -p. 12-22.
  7. Ibadullayeva S.J., Movsumova N.V., Use of medicinal plants distributed in lowland Karabakh in ethnoveterinary medicine.//Journal of Life Sciences and Biomedicine, 4(77), N-2, 35–43.
  8. Ibadullayeva S.J., Yusifov E.F.,Diversity, taxanomic structure of subalpine and alpine vegetation of Caucasus (Azerbaijan and border countries)//Plant &Fungal Research, vol.5, N-1, 2022. p-2-11
  9. Ibadullayeva S.J., Yusifov E.F., On the vegetation of the northernpart of East Zangezur.//Journal of Life Sciences and Biomedicine, 4 (77), N-2, 70–80
  10. Gasimov R.N., Aghayeva E.M., Aghayeva N.A., Suleymanova T.H., Movsumova N.V.,//Effectiveness of the Study of Plant-Contaınıng Immunostımulants in Poultry Industry. Scholars Bulletin Abbreviated Key Title: Sch Bull ISSN 2412-9771 (Print) |ISSN 2412-897X (Online) Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Journal homepage: DOI: 10.36348/sb.2023.v09i06.002
  11. Ibadullayeva S.J., KerimliE.N., Aleskerova A.N. İdentification of a-santonin Artemisia marschalliana Spreng.collected in Azerbaijan.//Plant &Fungal Research, vol.6, N-1, 2023.p-22-28
  12. Ibadullayeva S.J., Yusifov E.F Mustafayev A. Rare and endangered species of Shahdag National Park with special status.//Journal Biodiversty, 2023, Vol --(-): pp. -----.
  13. Azərbaycanda yayılmış Artemisia cinsi növlərinin genetik quruluşu və molekulyar analizi. Nərmin Sadıqova, Zərifə Süleymanova, Cavid Ocağı, Səyyarə İbadullayeva, Ələmdar Məmmədov. //International Journal of Secondary, Metabolite 2024, Vol. 11, No. 2, p. 57-62
  14. Psephellus paucilobus Boiss. (Asteraceae Giseke) - НОВЫЙ ВИД ДЛЯ ФЛОРЫ АЗЕРБАЙДЖАНА, Бот.журнал, Санкт-Петербург, 2024 (2), стр.517-528 РИНЦ, Scopus (с 2022 г.), Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) на платформе Web of Science. S.C.İbadullayeva, Yusifov E., Kerimov V.S

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations

  1. Expert of the Central Asia and South Caucasus Regional Network on PGR (Plant Genetic Resources)
  2. Representative of Azerbaijan in the European Cooperation Program - ECPGR (Working Group on “Study and Protection of Medicinal, Aromatic and Wild Food Plants” (since 2002)
  3. Member of the Society of Botanists

Pedagogical activity

  1. 1992-1993- Nakhchivan Medical College
  2. 2007-2008- OdlarYurdu University
  3. 2012- 2013-Sumgayit State University

Other activities

  1. 1999 -2018Scientific Secretary of the Defense Council operating under the Institute of Botany
  2. 2012-2015, Deputy Editor of the scientific proceedings of the Institute of Botany of ANAS
  3. 2016-2021, Member of the editorial board
  4. 2021 Editor of the journal
  5. 2018-2019 Expert on Biological and Agrarian Sciences of the SAC under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
  6. Member of the Problem Council, Chairman on the Biology Section
  7. 2017-2020 Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of ANAS
  8. Scientific journal of Academic research. Multidisciplinary Journal. BLACK SEA. Tbilisi, Georgia Member of the international editorial board

Awards and prizes

  1. Honorary Decree of ANAS 2 times (2005-2012)
  2. Honorary Decree of the Department of Biological, Medical and Agrarian Sciences of ANAS (2017)
  3. Honorary Diploma of “Patriot of Science” on the basis of Interkhabar project (2018)
  4. Azerbaijan Mass Media, Trade Union, “Influential Intellectual of the Year” Higher Media Award(2019)
  5. Academician and Golden Star awardee of the Turkish World Academy of Sciences) (2021)
  6. Academician of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, awardee of the Star Order (2021)

Main place of work and its address

Institute of Botany ANAS, Badamdar shosse 40, Baku AZ1004, Azerbaijan Republic


General Director of the Institute of Botany of ANAS

Office phone

(+994 12) 5024394


(+994 55) 8231571

Home phone

(+994 12) 5027354




[email protected]