Place of birth

Azerbaijan Republic, Guba region

Date of birth



Azerbaijan State University (now Baku State University)

Scientific degree

PhD, The doctor of philosophy in biology


Associate Professor 

Speciality code and title for PhD thesis


Plant Physiology

Morphological and physiological characteristics and nitrogen metabolism of plants in condition of solinization and potassium deficiency

Total number of printed scientific publications


Number of scientific publications printed abroad


Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases


Number of patents and certificates of authorship

1 patents

Staff training:

-         number of  PhDs


Basic scientific achievements

The complex morphophysiological assessment is presented and specifics of a nitric metabolism at plants of different level of the organization in the conditions of sulfate-chloride salinization and deficiency of potassium are described.

At different types of fodder plants, the specificity of response to salinization and dependence of adaptive reaction on salt-endurance of a species is revealed.

The relationship between quantity of the proline and level of the holophytysm of plants is revealed.

Joint crops of holophyts (salt-resistant plants) with glucophytes (salt-sensitive plants) for the development of saline soils which is perspective approach for phytomelioration, and as valuable components of using of fodder mixture, are offered. 

Names of scientific works

1.        Х.Дж.Халилова. Изменение содержания некоторых элементов минерального питания у различных по cолеустойчивости растений в условиях засоления. Растительность и пути ее жизнедеятельности (Мат.конф. посв. 50-лет. Инст. Ботаники), Баку. 1986, с.54-56.

2.        Р.Г.Абдиева, Г.Г.Мамедов, Х.Дж.Халилова, Ю.К.Ахмедов. Поиски путей практического применение галофитов. Деп. ВИНИТИ, 12.03.90 г., №1353-90 г.

3.        Р.Г.Абдиева, Г.Г.Мамедов, Х.Дж.Халилова, Ю.К.Ахмедов. Аминокислотный состав и биологическая ценность белков галофитных растений. Деп. ВИНИТИ, 12.03.90 г., №1354-В 90г

4.        Mamedov G.G., Stoyanov I.G., Abdieva R.G., Allahverdiev S.R., H.J.Khalilova. Specifities of nitrogen metabolism in Holophytes. Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 1991, t.44, № 4, p. 85-88.

5.        Х.Дж.Халилова, С.Р.Аллахвердиев, С.М.Фата-лиева. Проницаемость плазматических мембран клеток корней люцерны для неэлектролитов как показатель адаптации растений к солевому стресс. Журнал «Цитология», 1991. Т.33, №5, с.140.

6.        H.Halilova, S.Allahverdiev, H.Mamedov, D.Rasulova. Sodyumklorur (NaCl) tuzun yem bitkilerinde amino asitler uzerine etkisi. XIII Ulusalbioloji kongresi (17-20 eylul 1996) Istanbul, 1996, с.63.

7.        Х.Дж.Халилова, В.М.Али-заде. Исследование устойчивости некоторых видов кормовых трав стрессу. IY Межд. научно-практическая конференция «Интродукция нетрадиционных и редких сельско-хозяйственных растений». Ульяновск, 2002, с. 264-266.

8.        Х.Дж.Халилова, В.М.Али-заде. Морфофизиоло-гические характеристики и азотный обмен некоторых видов кормовых трав в условиях сульфатно-хлоридного засоления. AMEA-nın xəbərləri, Biologiya elmləri seriyası, № 1-2, Bakı, Elm, 2004, s.14-24.

9.        Х.Дж.Халилова. Особенности адаптации к засолению разных генотипов кормовых трав. «Принципы и способы сохранения биоразнообразия». Сб. материалов II Всероссийской научной конф. (28-31 января 2006), Йошкарола, 2006, с.339-341.

10.    X.C.Xəlilova. Nar yarpaqları ekstraktının  bəzi yem bitkilərinin duzadavamlılığına təsiri. AMEA Botanika İnstitutunun elmi əsərləri, XXVI cild, Bakı, 2006, s.433-439.

11.    A.Alizadeh, A.Elvezi, Kh.Khalilova, V.Ali-zade. Effects of salinity stress on elements consentration in foliage of apple (M.Pomila) dwarf rootstocks. AMEA Botanika İnstitutunun elmi əsərləri, ХХХ cild, 2010, s. 286-295.

12.    Assadollah Alizadeh, Khuraman Khalilova, Alireza Eivazi. Biochemical Response of Apple Dwarf Rootstock to Salinity Stress. Tech J Engin & App Sci., 1 (4): Р.118-124, 2011.

13.    Г.Г.Бабаев, У.А.Мехвалиева, Х.Дж.Халилова, М.Н Алиева, Н.М.Гулиев. Активность НАД-малатдегидрогеназы в митохондриях, выделенных из ассимиляционных тканей листьев амаранта (Amaranthus cruentus L.). X Международная научно-методич. конф. “Интродукция нетрадиционных и редких растений“. Ульяновск-2012, Россия, c.144-152.

14.    Kh.Khalilova, H.Babayev D.Rasulova, S.Qani-zade, Z.Abbasova, E.Zeynalova, A.Shixiyev. Effect of plant-derived substance to the activity of carbon metabolism and antioxidant enzymes under salinity stress condition. Abstracts of the International Conference “Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability: in honor of Jalal A.Aliyev”, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2013, p.86.

15.    X.Xəlilova, D.Rəsulova, Z.Abbasova, S.Qənizadə, E.Zeynalova, A.Şixiyev. Bioloji aktiv kompozisiyanın Sorghum bicolor L. bitkisində bəzi duzadavamlılıq göstəricilərinə təsiri. AMEA Botanika İnstitutunun elmi əsərləri. XXXIII cild, Bakı, 2013, səh. 158-163.

16.    A.Mehrdadlomer, X.Xəlilova, V.Əli-zadə. Azot və amin turşularının müxtəlif dozalarının qarğıdalı hibridlərinin məhsuldarlığına təsiri. AMEA Botanika İnstitutunun elmi əsərləri. XXXIII cild, Bakı, 2013, s.153-157.

17.    Xəlilova X., Rəsulova D., Allahverdiyev S., Abbasova Z., Qənizadə S., Qədimov Ə., Zeynalova E., Səfərəliyev P. Ətraf mühitin və quraqlıq stress amillərinə qarşı bitkilərin rezistentliyinin artırılmasında bioloji meliorantların rolu. "İnsan və Biosfer" (MaB, UNESKO) Azərbaycan Milli Komitəsinin Əsərləri. 10-cu cild, 2015, səh.165-170.

18.    Khuraman Khalilova, Dariko Rasulova, Sima Qani-zade, Zumrud Abbasova, Elmira Zeynalova. Mutual relation of halophyt and glycophyt in chloride saltness condition. Biological melioration. (SEAB-2016) Sympo-sium on EuroAsian Biodiversity. 23-27 may 2016. Antalya, Türkiye.PP-479, p.591.

19.    Xuraman C.Xəlilova, Dariko Ə.Rəsulova, Ağa Ş.Şixiyev. Bitki mənşəli plümbaginin duzadavamlılıq effekti. Akad. V.C.Hacıyevin 90-illiyinə həsr edilmiş “Botaniki tədqiqatlarda yeni çağırışlar” elmi konfrans materialları. 20-21 iyun 2018, səh. 212-215.

20.   A.Ş.Şixiyev, B.A.Yaradanquliyev, X.C.Xəlilova. Tük köklərinin möhkəmləndirilməsi, bərpası və rənglənməsi üçün vasitə. Azərbaycan Respublikası Əqli Mülkiyyət Agentliyi. Patent. İ 2019 0044. Dövlət reyestrində qeydiyyatı: 06.09.2019.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations

“Society of Azerbaijan Botanists” Public Union.

Azerbaijan Society of Plant Physiologists

Society of Molecular Biology and Biochemists of ANAS

Pedagogical activity

Participating in many projects realized by Fund of Support of Institute of Open Society, she translated and edited a lot of textbooks and the different grants presented by the International Association "Step by Step" (İSSA). Some of these books and the grants, reflecting experiment of the advanced countries of the world on modern education, were published in “Maarif” and other publishing house.

Other activities

Scientific secretary of the Council of Experts on biological and agricultural sciences of the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2009-2010)

Head of the Laboratory of "Sustainability of Plants" of the Institute of Botany NANA (for public beginnings, 2010-2016)

Scientific Secretary of the D.01.061 Dissertation Council of the Institute of Botany and Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of ANAS under the Institute of Botany of ANAS (2018)

Scientific Secretary of the Scientific Seminar on 2432.01 - Biological Resources of the ED 1.26 Dissertation Council under the Institute of Botany (since 2019)

Member of the editorial board of the multi-volume “Scientific Proceedings of the Institute of Botany of ANAS” (2007-2019)

Member of the editorial board of the journal “Scientific Proceedings of the Society of Azerbaijan Botanists” (since 2010)

Member of the editorial board of the journal “Azerbaijan Journal of Botany” (since 2020)

Awards and prizes

Certificate of Honor of Presidium of ANAS (2005);

Certificate of Honor of Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS (2016).

In 2005 she is awarded by the Certificate of Honor of Presidium of Azerbaijan National Academy of Science;

İn 2016 Certificates of Honor of the Department of Biology and Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.

Place of work and its address

Institute of Botany of ANAS, Badamdar shosse 40, Baku, AZ1004, Azerbaijan


Scientific secretary 

Office phone

(+994 12) 502 44 80


(+994 50) 552 38 20


(+994 12) 538 20 78


(+994 12) 497 09 94


[email protected]