Place of birth | Baku, Azerbaijan | ![]() |
Date of birth | 26.04.1959 | |
Education | Higher | |
Scientific degree | Philosophy doctor | |
Title | Assistant professor | |
Speciality code and title for PhD thesis | 2411.02 Plant physiology. Damage nature of chlorophyll-protein complexes of isolated chloroplasts and its stabilization methods. | |
Total number of printed scientific publications | 78 | |
Number of scientific publications printed abroad | 50 | |
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases | 7 | |
Number of patents and certificates of authorship | - | |
Staff training: - number of PhDs | - | |
Basic scientific achievements | The antioxidants, exogenous electron carries and “watersoluble factor”, isolated from some relict plants stabilized photosynthetic function and defensed chlorophyll from photobleaching in isolated thylakoids and chlorophyll-protein complexes was shown. It was shown that 33kDa protein together with 10and 24kDa protein stabilizes OEC. The antioxidant and antiradical activites of extracts from species of Azerbaijan flora by means of chemiluminescence and stabile radical DPPH reduction reaction were evaluated. The high antioxidant and antiradical activity was shown to be characteristic for natural flavonoids especially on cereals: Calamagrostis epigeios, Deschampsia caespitosa. The action of plant extracts on pigment content of chloroplasts and activity of PS II, suppressed by heavy metal ions were investigated. It is shown that this extracts possessed with antioxidant properties and are able to protect photosynthetic activity due to quenching of reactive forms of oxygen formed under stress. | |
Names of scientific works | 1. Gasanov R.A., Dadasheva S.B., Varfolomeev S.D. Photodestruction of chlorophyll different forms in isolated pigment-protein complexes.- Biofizika.1990, v.35, n.4, p.281-285. 2. Масленкова Л.,Курбанова И.М., Кюрдов Б.А.,Дадашева С.Б., Гаджиева Р.М.,Заниев Ю., Гасанов Р.А. Роль периферических полипептидов в функционировании кислород выделяющих ФСII частиц высших растений. Биохимия, 1990. 3. Dadasheva S.B., Kurbanova I.M., Varfolomeev S.D., Gasanov R.A. Photodestruction of isolated chlorophyll-protein complexes of thylakoids. Photosynthetica, 1990, v.24, n.2, p.280-283. 4. Maslenkova L., Kurbanova I., Kyurdov B., Dadasheva S., Gadjieva R., Zanev Yu., Gasanov R. The roie of peripheral polypeptides in the functioning of the oxygen –evolving PS II particles of higher plants. – Biochemistry-Moscow, 1990,v.55, n.12, p.557-565. 5. Maslenkova L., Kurbanova I., Kyurdov B., Gadjieva R., Dadasheva S., Gasanov R., Zanev Yu. Effect of specific extrinsic polypeptide release on delayed light emission and oxygen evolving patterns in photosystem II particles.- Photosynthetica, 1991, v.25, n.4, p.557-565. 6. S.B. Dadaşova, İ.Ş. Hüseynli, D.Ə.Həsənova , İ.M. Qurbanova, X.D. Abdullayev, R.Ə. Həsənov. Bir sira bitki ekstraktlarinin antioksidant və antiradical aktivliyinin təyini. Xəbərlər 2012, səh.133-139, n.1. 7. Защита фотосинтетических пигментов проростков пшеницы антиоксидантами растительного происхождения при действии Cd2+. Xəbərlər, cild 71, № 2, səh. 54-58, 2016. С.Б. Дадашева, И.М. Курбанова 8. Protection of photosynthetic pigments from toxic action of copper by plant extracts. Advances in Biology & Earth Sciences, vol. 3, No. 2, 2018, pp. 107-113. Dadasheva S.B., Bayramova S.A., Kurbanova I.M. 9. Защита фотосинтетических пигментов экстрактами Folia salvia officinalis и Radix glycyrrhizae при стрессе ионами меди. Евразийский союз ученых (ЕСУ), № 1, (70), 2020, 1 часть, стр. 4-8. Дадашева С.Б. | |
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations | 1. Biophysic Society 2. Society of Azerbaijan Botanists | |
Pedagogical activity | 2000-2019 | |
Other activities | - | |
Awards and prizes | - | |
Place of work and its address | ANAS Institute of Botany Padamdar shosse, 40, Baku-AZ 1004, Azerbaijan | |
Position | Leading scientific worker | |
Office phone | 5381570 | |
Mobile | 051 826 52 92 | |
Home | 5391426 | |
Fax | - | |
| sevil_fotosintez@ |