Place of birth

 Azerbaijan, Barda

Date of birth



 Baku  State  University (BSU) 

Scientific degree



 Associate  professor

Topic of  PhD thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name




Taxonomy, geography and economic significance of Azerbaijan amaranths (Amaranthus  L.)

Total number of printed scientific publications:



Number of scientific publications printed abroad:


Number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases


Number of patents and certificates of authorship


Staff training:     

- number of  PhD


Basic scientific achievements


It was established that in natural conditions of  Azerbaijan meets 12 (was 7) species of Amaranthus. For the first time it is resulted two species (A.cruentus L., A. vindis L.). On the basis of critical viewing herbarium material of the Herbarium  of  Institute  of  Botany of  NAS  Azerb. repub.,  herbarium collections of  BSU and observation in the nature was restorated (once, but forgotten species (A. paniculatus). Was changed nomenclature 1 species (A. sylvestris Vill. = A. blitum auct. non L.). The new variation – A. hybridus var. nova longibracteosus Babayeva is described. The analysis morphological features of the investigated species has allowed to allocate new diagnostic attributes to reveal their degree taxonomic the importance at a level intrapatrimonial (a structure of fruits), interspecific (number of stamens, an arrangement of blossom intraspecific (painting of blossoms, lenghtd of  blossoms) categories.

   The key of definition of the investigated species is made. For each species the synonymy is shown and their detailed description is given. Areas of species are specified, their distributions to limits to republic and the dot map is made.

    In results of phenologiacal supervision of species in the nature the phonological spectrum reflecting a full cycle ontogenese of species of a sort the period of vegetation of a plant is made.

   Every year research is carried out in accordance with the thematic plan, and various results are achieved. As a result, some nomenclature changes were discovered. In the flora of Azerbaijan, new spreading  areas  of  rocks studied by us were identified, and new destination keys were developed.  The information contained in the herbarium copies of the studied species is placed in the electronic database.

Names of scientific works

  1. Экологическая  характеристика, содержание пигментов  и  активность некоторых  ферментов   феп-метаболизма  в  листьях   двух  видов  амаранта.  Межд. научная  конф.  «Генети- ческие ресурсы лекарственных  и  ароматических растений», Москва, 2006, с. 247-251.
  2. “Амарант – модельное растение для исследования влияния стрессоров внешней среды на растений. Биологические особенности и полезные свойства”. İnsan  və biosfer» (Маb, Yunesko) Azərbaycan  Milli  komi- təsinin əsərləri.  Еkoloji  sivilizasiya, davamlı  inkişaf, ətraf mühit. Bakı, Təhsil, 2010, s. 239-251.
  3. “Torpaqların  ekoloji   tarazlığının  saxlanılma- sında   amarantkimilərdən   istifadə  edilməsinin  fizioloji- biokimyəvi  əsasları”. “Azərbaycan torpaqları, genezis, coğrafiya, meliorasiya, səmərəli istifadə və ekologiya”  Beynəlxalq elmi konfrans. 8-10 iyun. Bakı- Qəbələ, 2012, s. 147-152.
  4. “Жизненные формы и числа хромосом  некоторых  представителей  семейства  Бобовых ( Fabaceae  Lindl.) в  пределах  Азербайджана.”  Azərbaycan Elmi-Tədqiqat Əkinçilik institutunun Elmi Əsərlər Məcmuəsi 2013, XXIV cild, s. 59-63.
  5. “Филогенетическое развитие ассимиляционных тканей и ферменты C4- пути фотосинтеза в органах C4- растений (обзор).” “İnsan və biosfer” ( Ma B, YUNESKO). Azərbaycan  Milli  komitəsinin  əsərləri. Bakı “Təhsil”, 2013/14. т.9,  с.200-217.
  6. “Vascular plants of Azerbaijan: a nomenclatural update and survey of  Lamiaceae L.” Plant & Fungal Research. Baku 2018. p.69-85.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations

 Society of Azerbaijan Botanists

Pedagogical activity


Other activities


Awards and prizes


Main place of work and its address

 Azerbaijan National Academy of Science Institut of Botany


 leading   researcher 

Office phone



 Home phone  +99412432 5770




 [email protected]