Place of birth | Baku, Azerbaijan | |
Date of birth | 22.07.1992 | |
Education | Baku State University | |
Scientific degree | Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences
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Title |
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Topic of PhD thesis: - specialty code - specialty name - topic name |
2432.01 Biological resources Bioecological and phytochemical study of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.), distributed in certain regions of Azerbaijan | |
Total number of printed scientific publications:
| 35 | |
Number of scientific publications printed abroad: | 16 | |
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases | 10 | |
Number of patents and certificates of authorship |
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Staff training: - number of PhD |
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Basic scientific achievements | For the first time, has been comprehensively studied the chemical composition of various organs of Punica granatum, growing in some regions of Azerbaijan by using modern chromatographic and spectral methods. It was found that the composition and content of various groups of biologically active substances in the juice of P. granatum samples from different places of plant growth are determined by soil and climatic factors of the environment. Samples, which were collected from areas with hot climates and saline soils, contained high amounts of anthocyanins and punicalagin, while samples, collected from regions with a temperate climate and dark loamy soils, were characterized by a high content of ellagic acid and its glycated derivative. For the first time, the assessment of the state of ceonopopulations of wild-growing pomegranate in various ecological-ceonotic conditions was carried out, based on the results of which the ontogenetic spectra of ceonopopulations were compiled. For the first time, using identification keys of the decimal coding system BBCH, the stages of pomegranate development were described, the timing of phenophases was determined, a phenological spectrum was compiled, and an ecological-phenological analysis was carried out. Esri ArcGIS Desktop 10.2 software was used in mapping wild-growing pomegranate thickets in order to assess their resource potential and raw material value, and with subsequent visualization of areas that are most promising for harvesting raw materials. The results allowed us to identify samples with high quality characteristics of the fruit and a sufficient supply for the potential commercial production of medicinal, cosmetic products, as well as food additives based on this plant, and samples with low reserves, but with high quality indicators, as selection and introduction material. | |
Names of scientific works | 1. Zeynalova A.M. Влияние синтетических регуляторов роста на динамику накопления антоцианов в связи с созреванием и старением плодов винограда. BDU-nin Biologiya fakültəsinin 80 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş “Eksperimental biologiyanın inkişaf perspektivləri” mövzusunda Respublika elmi konfransın materialları. 19-20 Dekabr. Bakı, Azərbaycan. 2014, s. 34. 2. Zeynalova A.M. Üzüm bitkisi meyələrinin yetişməsi ilə əlaqədar onların antosian tərkibinin dinamikası. Materials of the 4th International Scientific Conference on “Innovation Problems of Modern Biology” for young Scientists and Researchers. Baku, Azerbaijan. May 16-17, 2014, p.41-42. 3. Novruzov E.N., Jafarova E.E., Zulfugarova M.B., Zeynalova A.M. (2017). Flavonoid-containing plants of flora of Azerbaijan and prospects of their use. XIX International Botanical Congress in 2017. July 23-29, 2017, Shenzhen. China. pp. 525-526 4. Зейналова А.М., Новрузов Э.Н. Биоактивные компоненты граната. flora. Institute of Dendrology. Baku, Azerbaijan. September 19-21, 2017, p. 192-197. 5. Zeynalova A.M., Novruzov E.N. Origin, taxonomy and systematic of pomegranate. Proceedings of the Institute of Botany ANAS. Baku, 2017, No 14, pp. 20-25 6. Novruzov E.N.,Miryusifova Ch.M., Mustafayeva L.A., Zeynalova A. M., Mamedov Z. G.Features of the effect of saffron extract on coherent communications structures visual brain system // European Journal of Technical and Natural Sciences, 2018, N2, Pp.3-7. 7. Новрузов Э.Н., Мамедов З.Г., Мустафаева Л.А., Мирюсифова Х.М., Зейналова А.М. Состав и содержание флавоинодов листьев Hippophae rhamnoides L., произрастающих в Азербайджане. Химия растительного сырья, 2018, №3, c. 209-214. 8. Новрузов Э.Н., Мустафаева Л.А., Зейналова А.М. Характеристика биохимического состава облепихи и шиповника. Scientific Conference "New Challenges in Botanical Studies", co-organized by the Azerbaijan Botanist Society, June 20-21, 2018. с.128-130. 9. Новрузов Э.Н., Мустафаева Л.А., Зейналова А.М. Состав и содержание флавоноидов плодов Rosa corymbifera L. Proceedings of ANAS (Biological and Medical Sciences). 2018, 73 (1), с.32-36. 10. Zeynalova A.M., Novruzov E.N. Determination of vitamin C content in the juice of the fruits of Punica granatum L. by HPLC. Scientific Conference "New Challenges in Botanical Studies", co-organized by the Azerbaijan Botanist Society, June 20-21, 2018, 131-133 11. Zeynalova A.M., Novruzov E.N. Composition and content of phenolic acids in fruit juice and flowers of Punica granatum L. Plant & Fungal Research. Baku 2018, 1(1):38-42 12. E.N. Novruzov, L.A. Mustafayeva, A.M. Zeynalova. Biotechnology of obtaining of a biologically active concentrate from the fruits of Hippophae rhamnoides L. In: Bulletin of the Moscow State Regional University, N3, 2018, pp.138-147 13. Zeynalova A.M., Novruzov E.N. The study of phenolic acids of peel extracts and leaves of wild pomegranate. Symposium dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the academician V.I. Ulyanyshev, Institute of Botany of ANAS and Azerbaijan Botanist Society. 2018, p. 74 14. Zeynalova A.M. Fatty acid composition of wild growing pomegranate seed oil. Conference of Young Scientists and Students on Innovations and Global Challenges in Modern Biology and Agrarian Sciences, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of academician Jalal Alirza oglu Aliyev. Baku 2018, p.127 15. Новрузов Э.Н., Зейналова А.М. Биологическая активность и терапевтическое действие гранатового масла. Растительные ресурсы. 2019, №2, с.186-194. 16. Новрузов Э.Н., Зейналова А.М. Биологическая активность и терапевтическое действие гранатового масла. Растительные ресурсы. 2019, №2, с.186-194. 17. Zeynalova A.M., Novruzov E.N., Maserti B. Studies on the Physico-Chemical Characteristics, Antioxidant Activity and juice organic compound composition in Azerbaijan Wild Pomegranate Fruits. Plant & Fungal Research. Baku 2019, 2(1): 40-46 18. Zeynalova A.M. Spatial structure of Punica granatum L. coenopopulations in the conditions of Northern Azerbaijan. Plant & Fungal Research. Baku 2019, 2(2): 57-65 19. Aydan Zeynalova, Eldar Novruzov, Paola Bartolini, Cecilia Brunett, Biancaelena Maserti. Phenolic fingerprint in wild growing pomegranate fruits from Azerbaijan. Advances in Horticultural Science. 2020, №34 (3): 277-286 20. E.N. Novruzov, L.A. Mustafayeva, A.M. Zeynalova. Biological activity of secondary plant metabolites and the prospects for their use in medicine. “The coronavirus pandemic: from researches to ensuring a healthy future”. International online conference. August 4-8 2020. pp. 125-126 21. Zeynalova A.M. Phenological features of Punica granatum L. «Лучший молодой ученый – 2020»: II международная книжная коллекция научных работ молодых ученых. Нур-Султан, 2020, с. 76-79. 22. Zeynalova A.M., E.N. Novruzov. Determination of organic acids and sugars contents in juices of Azerbaijan wild pomegranate fruits. ANAS Reports. 2020, № 3-4, p. 75-68. 23. Zeynalova, A.M. The content of tannin in various organs of Punica granatum L. // Azerbaijan Journal of Botany, 2020, 1 (2), p. 95-98. 24. Zeynalova A.M. Geoinformation mapping in assessing the resource potential of wild-growing pomegranate thickets. World Science: Problems and Innovations. 28 February, Penza 2021, p. 28-30. 25. Eldar N. Novruzov, Latafat A. Mustafaeva, Aydan M. Zeynalova, Aygul M. Musayeva, Aygun V. Baghirova, Ruhiyya M. Akhundova. Taxonomic composition and bioecological features of food plants in the Central Part of Lesser Caucasus (within Azerbaijan). Plant & Fungal Research. Baku. Volume 4 No.1 (43) 2021, p. 26-34. 26. Novruzov E.N., Mustafaeva L.A., Zeynalova A.M. Wild food herbaceous plants of Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan. Springer. 2021. 27. E.E. Cəfərova, N.Ç. Baxşiyeva, A.M. Zeynalova. Фенольные соединения различных органов граната сорта Кырмызы Кабык. Lənkəran Dövlət Universitetində 8-9 oktyabr 2021-ci il tarixində “Azərbaycan yeni inkişaf mərhələsində - postpandemiya dövründə ərzaq və qida təhlükəsizliyi: müasir vəziyyət, çağırışlar, perspektivlər” mövzusunda (onlayn – distant formatda) beynəlxalq elmi-praktik konfrans. C.245-249 28. A. Podda, P. Bartolini, A. Zeynalova, A. F. Cossio, E. Latifikhah, M. Musayev, B.E. Maserti. Towards characterization of Eurasian crop fruit resources: biochemical marker profiles in Azerbaijani and Iranian pomegranate cultivars under cold stress. Plant & Fungal Research, 2021, 4(2), p. 2-7 29. E.N. Novruzov, L.A. Mustafaeva, A.M. Zeynalova, A.M. Musayeva, R.M. Akhundova. Taxonomic spectrum, bioecological characteristics and prospects for the use of leafy stem vegetable plants of Nagorno-Karabakh. “Zəfər Günü və şəhidlərin xatirəsinə” 2-ci beynəlxalq Qarabağ – Tətbiqi Elmlər Konqresi. 8-10 noyabr 2021-ci il. 30. Novruzov E.N., Mustafayeva L.A., Zeynalova A.M., Axundova R.M., Ahmadova U.V. Botany and biogeography of Cydonia oblonga Mill. «Advances in Science and Technology» XLV Международная научно-практическая конференция. Moscow, Russia, June, 15, 2022, p. 33-35. 31. Зейналова А.М. Ресурсная характеристика зарослей дикорастущего граната. Современная наука. Актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия «Естественные и технические науки». 2022, №3-2, с. 8-12 32. Зейналова А.М. Рост и развитие растений граната обыкновенного в различных экологических условиях. Современная наука. Актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия «Естественные и технические науки». 2022, №4, с. 19-24 33. Mustafayeva Latafat, Zeynalova Aydan, Akhundova Ruhiyya, Ahmadova Ulkar. Organıc acıds content of fruıt and berry plants growıng in Azerbaıjan. II. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GLOBAL PRACTICE OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC STUDIES. July 26-28, 2022 / Batumi, Georgia, p. 54 34. Eldar N. Novruzov, Aydan M. Zeynalova. Fatty Acid Composition Of Lonicera Iberica M. Bieb. II. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GLOBAL PRACTICE OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC STUDIES. July 26-28, 2022 / Batumi, Georgia, p. 145 35. Новрузов Э.Н., Джафарова Э.Э., Зейналова А.М. Флавоноиды листьев Rhamnus pallasii Fisch. & C. A. Mey.; C. A. Mey. «Бюллетень науки и практики», 2022, №10, с. 31-37. | |
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations | Member of the Public Union of the Society of Botanists of Azerbaijan Member of Azerbaijan Science Association Member of YAP | |
Pedagogical activity | Institute of Botany 2020-present | |
Other activities | Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Institute of Botany of ARMSE | |
Awards and prizes | "Youth Award" of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan for successful scientific activity in 2020” | |
Main place of work and its address | Institute of Botany, AR MSE, Badamdar Highway, 40 AZ1004 | |
Position | Senior researcher | |
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