Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Institute of Botany of ANAS and Institute of Ecology of National Aerospace Agency of AR Ministry of Defense Industry. The memorandum signed by doctor of biological sciences, professor Sayyara Ibadullayeva, general director of the Institute of Botany of ANAS and professor Bahram Aliyev, director of Institute of Ecology of National Aerospace Agency of Ministry of Defense Industry envisages the implementation of research on the basis of mutual and beneficial collaboration, organization of joint projects for the study of biodiversity, creation of innovative products and staff exchange. According to the MoU, works will be implemented to determine the impact of natural and anthropogenic processes on taxonomic composition of biodiversity, identify forest resources, define the rate of forest destruction using satellite photos and GIS technologies and develop common principles of the restoration process by considering the existing changes in the composition of the forest fund in Azerbaijan, especially liberated areas.
Specialists, PhD students and candidates for a degree will take active part in the implementation of scientific-research and experimental works.