The next scientific seminar was held at the Institute of Botany

The next scientific seminar was organized by the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Institute of Botany of ANAS. Junior researcher of the Laboratory of Systematics and Geography of Higher Plants Ulker Aliyeva delivered a lecture on “Morphological and micromorphological studies on Salvia verticillata L.” Speaking about the widespread use of sage in folk medicine and traditional medicine, she noted that sage oil and its products are widely used in perfumery, cosmetics, food and pharmaceutical industries. In this regard, due to the economic importance of the plant, a comprehensive study of the genus Salvia L. by modern methods is of great scientific and practical importance. The speech of the young researcher was met with great interest and continued with discussions around the topic. Aydan Zeynalova, Chairman of Council of Young Scientists and Specialists shared her views on the topic and thanked the speaker, emphasizing the importance of organizing such seminars on a regular basis. In the end, the topic and time of the next scientific seminar were determined in accordance with the action plan of Council of Young Scientists and Specialists, as well as the solution of other existing problems was discussed.