Academician Vahid Hajiyev's 95th birthday was celebrated

An event dedicated to the 95th birthday of academician Vahid Hajiyev was held at the Botanical Institute of the Ministry of Science and Education of AR.

First, the participants of the event came to the II Honorary Alley, paid tribute to the dear memory of the outstanding scientist, and laid wreaths and bouquets of flowers in front of the grave.

The event was opened by the general director of the Institute of Botany, doctor of biological sciences, professor Sayyara Ibadullayeva, who spoke about the life and activities of V.Hajiyev and his services in the development of botanical science in our country. He said that the scientist started his career in 1952 as a senior researcher at the Institute of Botany of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, in 1957-1972 he was the deputy director for scientific affairs of the Institute of Botany, and in 1972-1973 he was the Scientific Researcher of the Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan, forage and grassland. and was the director of the Pasture Institute. From 1972 to the end of his life, he worked as the head of the geobotany department at the Institute of Botany of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, in 1978-1988 as the deputy director for scientific affairs, and in 1988-2008 as the director of that institute.

Vahid Hajiyev defended his candidate's theses in 1952, doctor's theses in 1966, and received the scientific title of professor in 1970. He was elected a corresponding member of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences in 1983, and a full member in 1989.

Vahid Hajiyev's multi-year, consistent and purposeful scientific activity mainly covers the comprehensive and precise geobotanical study of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus, as well as the high mountain meadows of Azerbaijan, and is of great importance in terms of the development of this field of science in our country. Vahid Hajiyev devoted a lot of space in his works to the most diverse areas of geobotany, including zoning, mapping, classification, plant resources and their protection. He was also continuously involved in the problems of studying flora systematics, vegetation, useful plant resources, rare and endangered plant species from other fields of botany.

Stating that Vahid Hajiyev's researches are reflected in more than 350 articles and 12 monographs, the director general of the institute said that the scientist's activity was highly appreciated by the country's leadership, and he was awarded with the Order of Honor in 1981 and the Order of Glory in 2004.

Later, doctor of biological sciences, Eldar Novruzov, doctor of biological sciences, Aydin Askerov, doctor of biological sciences, Shakir Gasimov, doctor of biological sciences, Dilzare Aghayeva, PhD in biology, Shakar Mukhatrova, PhD in biology, Khuraman Khalilova, PhD in biology, Kamala Asadova and others spoke at the event and shared their memories about the scientist.

At the end, a documentary film dedicated to Vahid Hajiyev was shown.