The general director of the Institute of Botany participated in the International Congress

General Director of the Institute of Botany of the Ministry of Science and Education of RA, Professor Sayyara Ibadullayeva participated in the I International Apitherapy and Nature Congress organized jointly by Nakhchivan State University and Karadeniz Technical University.
At the opening ceremony of the congress, after the national anthems of Azerbaijan and Turkey were performed, heads of science and higher education institutions and influential persons made a speech.
At the ceremony, General Director of the Institute of Botany, Professor Sayyara Ibadullayeva spoke on the topic “Use of useful plants by ethnic groups living in Azerbaijan” and for the first time gave information about the complex of measures for the protection of more than 70 endangered species. The professor presented the bioecology, phytocenology and economic importance of up to 300 species used by 21 ethnic groups living in Azerbaijan, as well as the areal map of the populations inhabited by the ethnic groups. She also spoke about the raw material source of some substances used in medicinal preparations in Azerbaijan's biodiversity.
At the closing ceremony of the Congress, NSU Rector Mr. Elbrus Isayev and Karadeniz University Rector Professor Hamdullah Chuvalci presented a certificate and a commemorative plaque to S. Ibadullayeva.
During the three-day event, more than 300 speakers from 6 countries made presentations in the fields of “Nature and basic sciences”, “Medical sciences”, “Alternative and complementary medicine”, “Apitherapy”, “Beekeeping and beekeeping products”.
During the visit, professor Sayyara Ibadullayeva met Mr. FuadNajafli, authorized representative of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Mr. SamigSadigov acting Minister of Health of Nakhchivan AR, rectors of the universities of the Republic of Turkey, other state representatives and businessmen in order to participate in new strategy discussions for the future development of Nakhchivan AR.
S. Ibadullayeva was a guest of the morning program on Nakhchivan TV and shared her impressions about the conference.