Dissertation work on Botany speciality was discussed at the scientific seminar

On April 1, the discussion of the dissertation work of Vusala Badalova, a dissertator of the Institute of Dendrology to receive a Ph.D. degree in biology in the 2417.01 -“Botany” speciality was held at the meeting of the Scientific Seminar established as part of the ED 1.26 Dissertation Council at the Institute of Botany, MSE RA. The scientific supervisors of the dissertation work presented on the topic “Introduction, bioecological characteristics and phytochemical study of some species belonging to the genus Passiflora L. in Absheron” are Doctors of Biological Sciences, Professor Tahir Suleymanov and associate professor Zumrud Mammadova. V. Badalova explained the main provisions of the dissertation in detail and extensive discussions were held on the topic. The members of the council expressed their proposals to the plaintiff and noted the modernity, relevance, scientific and practical importance of the topic. Based on the voting results, it was decided to submit the dissertation work for the main defense.