Employees of the Institute of Botany visited the Baku Modern Educational Complex

Mahsati Gurbanova, head of the Department of Public Relations, specialist Nigar Aghayeva, Sabina Hajiyeva, scientific worker of the Laboratory of Ecology and Geography of Higher Plants, and Laman Babayeva, junior scientific worker of the Geobotany Department of the Institute of Botany, MSE RA took part in the “THINK GREEN, GO GREEN” greening action held within the “Green World Solidarity Year” at the Baku Modern Educational Complex.

The action organized under the leadership of Baku Modern School’s English teacher Gunay Nadirova started with the opening of the “GREEN CLUB” created in the complex.

At the event, students planted different species of flowers in pots. Discussions were held with students on topics such as restoration and increase of greenery, efficient use of water resources, and environmental protection.

At the end, a certificate was presented to the participants of the event.