The next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Botany was held

The next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Botany of the Ministry of Science and Education, RA was held. The Institute's management, council members and other employees took part in the event

First, the national leader of our people, Heydar Aliyev, and our martyrs, who died for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, were commemorated with a minute's silence, and the national anthem was played.

The meeting was opened by the General Director of the Institute, professor Sayyara Ibadullayeva, who assessed the first Scientific Council meeting held in the new building of the Institute of Botany as a historical event and wished the team a successful activity.

The professor brought to the attention of the event participants other issues included in the agenda.

S.Ibadullayeva congratulated the head of the department Systematics and Phylogeny of Higher Plants, doctor of biological sciences Aydın Asgarov on receiving the scientific title of professor and wished him good health and success in his scientific activities.

The report on the scientific and scientific-organizational activity of the Institute's departments and laboratories for the first half of 2024 was discussed at the meeting.

The speakers provided information on scientific research, scientific-organizational activities, participation in international conferences and seminars, articles published in prestigious scientific journals, etc.

Later, other issues arising from the agenda were discussed and relevant decisions were made.

In the end, Professor S.Ibadullayeva concluded the meeting and voiced certain tasks and recommendations in the direction of fulfilling the main tasks ahead.