Plant resources of Lankaran region were studied

Employees of the Department of Plant Resources of the Institute of Botany, MSE RA were on an expedition in Lankaran region.

The purpose of the expedition, which was carried out according to the thematic plan, was to determine the places of distribution of seasonal summer plants, prepare herbariums, determine the plants in the phytocenoses, study the phytochemical composition and antimycotic properties of the studied plants.

The researches covered the areas of Khanbulan, Gurunba, Mamusta, Sarin bulag, Talishli, Uzumchuluk, Valadi, Urga, Tangivan, Mollakand, Parakand, Sepradi, Kosalar villages of Lankaran region along the selected route.

Plant raw materials collected in the field were brought to the Institute for laboratory analysis.