Place of birth


Date of birth

13 december1954


Azerbaijan State University, faculty of physics ,higher education

Scientific degree

Ph.D of biolojy


Associate professor

Speciality code and title for PhD thesis

03.00.02 Biophysics Changes in the mechanical resistance of red blood cells to ultrasound under the influence of physiologically active compounds and the use of this criterion for the analysis of tumor growth

Total number of printed scientific publications


Number of scientific publications printed abroad


Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases


Number of patents and certificates of authorship


Staff training:

-         number of  PhDs


Basic scientific achievements

The mechanism of interaction of ultrasound with cellular structures under the action of various physical and chemical factors is studied

Names of scientific works

1.       Султанова Г.Г., Самедова А.А., Касумов Х.М. 2007. Гемолиз эритроцитов при комбинированном действии ультразвуковых волн и полиеновых антибиотиков. - Журнал «Антибиотики и химиотерапия» (Россия),  № 9-10, с. 9 -13.

2.       Султанова Г.Г. О механизмах действия ультразвука в условиях     кавитации International Journal of Gafqaz University 2015 v3,№ 1,p 109-116, IF 1.85

3.       Samedova A.A., Sultanova G.H. Modern Conceptions About Levorin A and its Derivatives Action in Cell and Bilayer Lipid Membranes International Journal of Science and Research, 2016.  V.5, Issue 4,p.2276-2279,IF  Cop.6,4

4.       Sultanova G.G.,Samedova A.A.,Gasimova V.Kh.,Nikolayeic G.N The action of some antineoplastic medicines on growth and metabolism of tumor cells in vitro 2017 SYLWAN Journal,161(1),P161-169,IF TR 0,243

5.        В.А. Вайнштейн, Л.Н. Николаевич, Г.Г. Султанова, А.А.    Багирова,Т.Дж. Пашазаде,       В.Х. Гасимова, Т.П. Таги-заде, Х.М.Касумов. Действие химически трансформированных макроциклических макроциклических полиеновых антибиотиков на опухолевые клетки Ж. Бюллетень экспериментальной биологии 2018 ,т. 166,№12,с.695-700 IFTR 0.634

6.     V.A.Vainshtein, L.N. Nikolayevic, G.H.   Sultanova, A.А. Baghirova., Т.J. Pasha-zade, V.Kh. Gasimova,Т.P.Tagi-zade, Kh.М. Kasumov The action of chemically transformed macrocyclic polyene antibiotics on tumor cells Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 2019, v.166, № 6, pp..735-739. IFTR -0,456

7.       Султанова Г.Г. Касумов Х.М. Физико-химические свойства  мембран эритроцитов при    взаимодействии с полиеновыми  антибиотиками в поле  действия ультразвуковых волн. Ж. Биофизика, 2020,т.   С. SJR (Scopus): 0.216(2017) Импакт-фактор (РИНЦ): 1,236

8.       Sultanova G.G. About of Mechanisms of Change in the Activity Acetylcholinesterase of      Erythrocyte by Some Pesticides and Antioxidants,2020,Journal of Integrated OMIKS,Speashial Tissue,V. 9,Issue 4  p. 14- 19 DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2019.6.66 ,Index Copernicus, Global Impact Factor

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations

Society of Biophysicists and biochemists of Azerbaijan,

Society Of Botanists Of Azerbaijan

Pedagogical activity

Azerbaijan international University, associate Professor

Other activities

State Examination Center Azerbaijan

Awards and prizes


Place of work and its address

Institute of Botany of the national Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan ,AZ1004,Azerbaijan Baku ,Patamdar highway 40


Leading researcher

Office phone









[email protected]