Place of birth

 Agdash district   

Date of birth

 June 2, 1958


 Azerbaijan State Pedagogical Institute

Scientific degree

 Doctor of Biological Sciences


 Associate Professor

Topic of  PhD thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name




Soil science

Reinforcement of eroded slopes in the middle basin of Turyanchay by phyto-melioration

Topic of doctoral thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name





Desertification process in the Kura-Araz lowland and Along the Araz River plains and its impact on flora biodiversity

Total number of printed scientific publications:




Number of scientific publications printed abroad:


Number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases


Number of patents and certificates of authorship


Staff training:     

- number of  PhD

- number of  Doctor of sciences 


Basic scientific achievements

Study of flora: systematics, study of bio-ecological, bio-morphological features, range, research and protection of rare and endangered plants 

Names of scientific works

1. Flora and desertification of arid areas (Kur-Araz lowland, plains along the Araz), Nakhchivan: Tusi edition, 2010, 240 p.

2. Flora of the highlands of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2013, 88 p.

3. Analysis endemics of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan // IF: 3.762 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development. India, Volume: 2, Issue: 5, 2015, pp. 143-149 

4. Heliosciadium nodiflorum - a new genus and species of Umbelliferae for the flora of Azerbaijan and the whole Caucasus // IF: Bot. журн. L.: Nauka, 103 (4), 2018, pp. 516-527.

5. Jabbarov M.T., Nabiyeva F.X., Ibrahimov A.Sh., Atamov V.V., S.Karaman Erkul. Phytocenological features of mountain-xerophyte vegetation of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic // Bangladesh, Journal of Botany (Web of Science), 2020, № 49 (2), p. 273-286.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations


- Since 1998, the Society of Soil Scientists of ANAS,

- Member of the PresidiumAzerbaijan Botanical Society

- In 2006, he participated as an ecologist in an international expedition with the participation of representatives of the United States.

Pedagogical activity

 9 years

Other activities

- Since 1998, a member of the Society of Soil Scientists of ANAS, since 2003, a member of the Azerbaijan Botanical Society, since 2018, a member of the Presidium.
- In 2006, he participated as an ecologist in an international expedition with the participation of representatives of the United States.

Awards and prizes

- In 2002, she was awarded the "Woman of the Year" by the American Biographical Institute and received a diploma.

- In 2013, by the decision of the Presidium of the Nakhchivan branch of ANAS, he was awarded the honorary title of "SCIENTIST OF THE YEAR" and was awarded a diploma.

- In 2018, by the decision of the Presidium of the Nakhchivan branch of ANAS, he was awarded a diploma.

- In 2019, he was awarded the "DIPLOMA" of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic "for effective work in the field of science."

Main place of work and its address

 Institute of Botany ANAS, Badamdar shosse 40, Baku AZ1004, Azerbaijan Republic


 senior researcher

Office phone



 (+994 50) 4111741 

Home phone





 [email protected]