The report on the activities of the Institute of Microbiology in 2021

A joint meeting of the Scientific Council of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences (DBMS) of ANAS with the Scientific Council of the Institute of Microbiology was held. 

The event was dedicated to the results of the scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the Institute of Microbiology in 2021.

The meeting was attended by Vice-President of ANAS, Chairman of the Academic Council of the Department of Medical Sciences, Academician Irada Huseynova and members of the Scientific Council of the department.

In advance, the memory of the national leader of our people was honored with a minute of silence.

Opening the event, Academician Irada Huseynova gave the floor to the Director General of the Institute, corresponding member of ANAS Panah Muradov to present a report on the results of the scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the Institute of Microbiology in 2021.

P. Muradov informed about the work done at the institute in connection with the implementation of the relevant decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, state programs. He noted that during the reporting period, in accordance with paragraph 2-4 of the Action Plan for the rational use of water resources for 2020-2022, approved by the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated July 27, 2020, the institute took an active part in the development of the National Strategy on the rational use of water resources".

The speaker said that in accordance with the thematic plan for 2021, the institute completed 9 works in 19 stages on 2 problems, covering 8 topics. Research on topics carried out during the reporting period was devoted to the assessment of various aspects of aquatic, soil and forest ecosystems in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the micro- and microbiota of the internal environment.

During the reporting period, Institute of Microbiology conducted research on the basis of business contracts with several organizations. It was noted that the institute has implemented the project "Development of innovative methods of selection of high-yielding, disease-resistant varieties of tomatoes and cucumbers for greenhouses and their cultivation" jointly with the Research Institute of Vegetable Growing of the Ministry of Agriculture.

According to Panah Muradov, 47 scientific works of the Institute's employees were published in the reporting year. Of these, 32 are scientific articles, 1 is a book, the rest are conference materials and abstracts. 26 scientific articles (9 in highly indexed journals), 1 book and 6 theses have been published abroad. In total, in the reporting year, the work of scientists was cited 68 times.

Afterwards, the discussions were run.

Summing up the results of the discussion, Academician Irada Huseynova highly appreciated the scientific results and scientific and organizational activities of this institution, gave her instructions and recommendations.